Alexandr Lozhkin

Aide to the Mayor of Novosibirsk

Alexander Lozhkin’s sphere of interest is urban studies and their implementation in urban management. As an expert and consultant, Alexander is regularly invited by regional and local administrations and research centers to discuss problems in cities. Since 2014, he has been staff advisor to the mayor of Russia’s largest municipality. Alexander is the author of original techniques for the development of conceptual and normative documents in the areas of urban planning regulation, protection of cultural heritage, and development of green public spaces.

From 2011–2014, Alexander Lozhkin worked in Perm, participating in the implementation of a fundamentally new urban policy model in Russia. Working in the Bureau of Urban Projects, he took part in the development of planning projects and regulatory documents for urban planning, and then headed the regional centre for the protection of monuments, where he developed and implemented a new methodology for projects of protection zones and landmarks. From 2016–2017, he supervised elaboration of the concept of green public spaces development in Novosibirsk.

Previously, he was the publisher and editor-in-chief of the Project Siberia magazine. He is the author of more than 200 scientific and journalistic articles on architecture and urban planning published in leading Russian publications.